Ledia Andrawes
I believe in more equitable societies where we can all participate and prosper. I also believe that design approaches can help with creating paths from hope to change toward greater equity.
Born in Egypt, raised in Australia, and having lived in Kenya, UK and France, Ledia is humbled by her privilege, energised by her dreams, and constantly outwitted by her choices.
She likes to integrate rigour with heart while working with diverse groups of people to co-create more equitable social futures. She is a designer and anthropologist with a deep appreciation for lived experiences and authentic relationships. Mindful of how power and privilege can influence outcomes, she is guided by indigenous knowledge systems, as well as ethnographic and participatory practices to translate ideas into meaningfully co-owned action.
With 14 years of experience working with public and private sector actors on new services, strategies, and policies in 10+ countries, she co-founded Sonder to create a space where likeminded individuals can come together to do good work, and where our shared values drive our actions.
She is currently collaborating on what a decolonised peacebuilding system might look like in the future. Previously, she set up ThinkPlace’s Kenya studio and developed their portfolio of work in Africa. This includes co-designing a citizen-centred national health policy with the Kenyan government, developing digital solutions for frontline community health nurses in Ghana, as well as reimagining humanitarian action with the Overseas Development Institute.
She holds a PhD in Anthropology, Master in Business, and Bachelor in Design. Her professional interests are in how design works as an agent of political, social and cultural change. When not thinking about that, she loves getting lost in new cities, trail-walking, foraging, oil painting, slam poetry, dancing to 80s/90s classics, and perfecting her gluten-free cheesecake!